Monday, April 11, 2011

I am back!!

Okay, so I know it has been a month since my last blog and for those of you who check everyday I am very sorry!!! All I have to say is thank you for your faithfulness to the blog while I have been so busy! I will just start out with what I can remember to update everyone on (I may forget a lot!)

To start out, Cole is getting so good at walking!! Now he will let go of the couch and take a few steps without us egging him on. He had his first haircut on Friday April 8th, and he did wonderful! No tears and he only tried to get away once or twice! I cannot believe how fast this past year has gone, my baby will be one in two weeks and one day! I can already feel the tears that will be shed that day! We will be in Sioux Falls over Easter, which is the weekend before his birthday so we will have a small party for him down there and then one on his actual birthday in Grand Forks.

I had a bridal shower in Sioux Falls over spring break in March and one up here a week later, both of which were wonderful and so nice to see friends and family! We're down to 39 days until the wedding and tying up loose seems to never end! Three more weeks of the semester left as well and I am looking forward to the summer! Although with all the free time of no school and wedding to plan I think I may feel a little lost!

Flood season in ND is upon us and while it is not as bad as it has been in years past, I am still amazed by it every single year! I29 north of Fargo for about 30 miles is closed, so I am also thankful I did not plan to go out of town this weekend!

I do not know when the next time I will update is, but I promise it will be at least once before the wedding and then hopefully much more after that!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

A couple steps!

Cole took a couple steps tonight! He was standing by the end table in the living room and turned to the chair and took two steps to get to it! I think he has done this before but by accident, this was the first time he's done it knowing what he was doing!

We went down to Sioux Falls this past weekend and missed the blizzard up here! We had a nice time though, the bridal shower that my sister threw was on Saturday and it was nice to see people and catch up. The next time we'll be home will be over Easter weekend which is when we'll start tying things up for the wedding! This is going to be a short post because I need to get to bed since it's almost midnight and Cole will be up at 7am, but I just thought everyone should know about Cole's newest milestone!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Poor blogger!

I apologize for my lack of blogging lately! Between school, wedding, Cole, working out, working and other life dilemmas blogging has been the last thing on my mind! But now that I have made the time I will make sure to catch everyone up on the past two weeks or so!

My mom and Becca came this past weekend and we had a great weekend hanging out and talking all about wedding stuff of course! They also saw (and took pictures) of me in my wedding dress, which I think they like but even if they didn't they're good at lying! Our centerpieces have started coming in the mail one by one, the UPS and Fed Ex man are going to know this address by heart! Everyone is just going to have to wait and see what they are at the wedding though, don't want to give away too many surprises!

Jason, Cole and I are going to Sioux Falls on Thursday, weather permitting, for a bridal shower my wonderful sister a.k.a wonderful maid of honor is putting on. Pray for good weather and safe driving, both of which are a concern of mine in March, especially with a baby.  My car broke down last week so it is in the shop, we are hoping it will be ready by Thursday because it will be nice to drive it to Sioux Falls and save on gas!

Cole has learned to wave in the past few days, he can't get the motion down but when someone says bye he will put his hand up in the air so at least he understands that is how to say goodbye! He amazes me everyday with the things he learns! I promise I will try to be better with the blogging however no promises until after the wedding! Of which we only have 72 days until the big day! Looking forward very, very much to May!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011


I am suddenly feeling very overwhelmed with wedding details, school, work (sometimes) and Cole! I don't know why it is all catching up to me now but somedays I feel that it might give me an ulcer. To say the least wedding stuff is always on my mind, I sit in class and in between taking notes I am jotting down lists of things I need to do for the wedding. Or while Cole is sleeping I am constantly on the internet or on the phone calling someone! I don't know what I will do with all my free time after the wedding...thank goodness it will be summer, Cole and I will be at the park and the pool everyday!

Cole has started mimicking Jason and I which is very funny to watch, if we scrunch up our nose he will too or if I laugh at something he will have to laugh also. Sometimes I make weird sounds and faces just so he'll do it! I love watching him learn, it's so amazing how he picks up on the smallest things. He has been a very happy boy this week and while I always enjoy him at his best and worst, this week has been very nice to see.

Spring break is 2 weeks away and I cannot wait for a little vacation from school!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Cole finally stood for longer than 5 seconds tonight! And I wasn't even encouraging him to do it! I was eating dinner and he was standing by my legs (hoping I would give him some) when he just let go and stood there and kept standing for close to 10 seconds! He has stood by himself many times in the past few weeks but only for three seconds. I do believe he could stand a lot longer but he can be a little stubborn and as soon as I try to stand him back up, he'll bend his legs into the sitting position and will not stand at all! It's funny to watch though. Jason finally had to lower Cole's crib last night and put stoppers on the cupboards in the bathroom and kitchen. He stands up in his crib now and I just don't trust him to not try to crawl out! And he opens any cupboard that he can so all the ones with cleaners are locked!

On a wedding note, my dress and the bridesmaid dresses came in on Friday so Becky and I went today and while I wasn't planning on trying it on Becky talked me into it! I am thankful she did though because it looked great and I picked out my veil and earrings as well! I can't wait to wear everything three months from today!! Next on invitations!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A taste of spring

So today has been one of the most beautiful days here in Grand Forks in months! Almost 40 degrees and I didn't have to wear a coat or gloves! Cole is enjoying not to have to be bundled up as much either so getting him ready is more enjoyable for the both of us. He has been standing by himself more and more the past couple of days and it is fun for me to see him do it especially when no one is trying to make him do it. With all this practice however he does have a few more bumps and bruises on his head, but he takes them well and after about 3 seconds of crying he's back trying to do what got him hurt in the first place! Jason and I went out for Valentine's day and had dinner with his sister Becky and her husband Jaime. It was very nice to get out of the house and eat dinner without someone standing at my knee begging for bites and whining every couple of seconds. Cole enjoyed his Valentine's day evening at home with Grandma who we were very thankful for!

On a few wedding notes, my dress comes in on Thursday so I am very excited to see it and get it fitted to wear in only three more months! We will also start addressing invitations next weekend and get ready to send those out in another two weeks as well. It seems like now I have a ton of wedding things to do along with a loaded semester of classes, I will be very, very happy to see May roll around in the next few months!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Cole has learned how to give kisses and it was perfect timing since it is right before Valentine's day! It is so cute I could just ask for kisses all day long from him, I have never enjoyed kisses more! It has been a very busy week for me with three tests and one more tomorrow I would say I am ready for the weekend but I work overnights so I do not get a break until next weekend, but I will look forward to that. Jason will be working out of town Monday-Thursdays in Minot for awhile, and while I am used to having him help out at nights I am also thankful Cole is nine months old and can entertain himself while I get stuff done. The weather was hopefully at it's coldest today and we're in for a warm up from here, 30 degrees will feel hot after these past two weeks!